to improve indutrial process and QC

paperless certification with AI and DLT

10 years experience at your service
Innovative Solutions, is a spin-off company of
the Polytechnic University of Bari, offers innovative services and decision support systems (DSS) aimed at enhancing food products and optimizing production, conservation or transformation processes.
New exciting projects
Satisfying the need for varietal innovation for durum wheat crops, an indispensable tool for offering high value-added productions, ensuring product healthiness and preventing the risk of the development of mycotoxins.
“Fondo europeoagricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali” PSR 2014-2020. MISURA 16.2 Focus Area 2a) – Progetto: FILIERA FRUMENTO DURO: INNOVAZIONE VARIETALE,QUALITA’ E TRACCIABILITA’ DELLE PRODUZIONI PUGLIESI – Acronimo IPERDURUM –
Combined phytodepuration intervention between Hemp Sativa L. and Spirulina micro algae aimed at the remediation of soil, wastewater and sewage sludge polluted by heavy metals, putting in place a partnership of individuals aggregated in the production chain.
Over 10 years of activity Innovative Solutions developed food analysist standardisation pratces and intelligent analytical tools based on NMR spectroscopy. Our mission is to enhance the capabilities of agricultural roduction enambling them to prove the real quality of prosuct wityhout realing on documetal methods
We belive that classical analytical chemistry is higly compatible with modern informatic solution and with a multidisciplinary team we can create new produtcs to enhance the food valorization and ditribution chain.
Our patent allows to determine (in the field and/or
in the cell) the shelf life of a batch of table grapes
and also the number of days left before this batch
suffers a deterioration that would make it unfit for the market.