NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons

Innovative Solutions organizes NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons (NMR-ILCs) according to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 and reference normative therein. NMR-ILCs provide objective standards for individual laboratories, allow them to compare analytical results from different laboratories and represent a way to check the quality and the accuracy of the analytical job. Validation by ILCs is the starting point for official recognition of the analytical methods. NMR-ILCs are organized by Innovative Solutions for its own account or on behalf of third parties. In all cases, a scientific committee is responsible for the experimental design (see IS-NMR-ILC Scheme). List of NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons organized by Innovative Solutions (IS-NMR-ILCs):
  1. Step 1 of the 1st Italian NMR Interlaboratory Comparison organized on behalf of SAMER (laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari) and RETELAB (Network of the laboratories of the Italian Chambers of Commerce). Report published.
  2. Step 2 of the 1st Italian NMR Interlaboratory Comparison organized on behalf of SAMER (laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari) and RETELAB (Network of the laboratories of the Italian Chambers of Commerce). Paper published on Analytical Chemistry
  3. The first one of the “International NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons” series by Innovative Solutions: validation of a NMR method for wheat and flours fingerprinting. Report published (ebook) and Report 2016 (ebook)
  4. The second of the “International NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons” series by Innovative Solutions: validation of a combined NMR method for fingerprinting and quantification of metabolites in wine grape juice. This comparison is organized and funded by IS in the framework of the project “Recupero del Germoplasma Viticolo Pugliese (Re.Ge.Vi.P.) – Progetti Integrati per la Biodiversità P.S.R. FEASR 2014-2020, Misura 10.2.1 – Progetti per la conservazione e valorizzazione delle risorse genetiche in agricoltura – Trascinamento della Mis. 214 Az. 4 sub az. a) del PSR 2007-2013”. Details and timetable available in homepage.
  Participants at NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons in the world 1st ItalianNMR Interlaboratory Comparison organized on behalf of SAMER (laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari) and RETELAB
  • Participants: 36
  • Spectrometers: 50
2014: Validation of a NMR method for wheat and flours fingerprinting (The first of the “International NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons” series by Innovative Solutions)
  • Participants: 37
  • Spectrometers: 46
  • Countries: 8
  2016: Validation of a combined NMR method for fingerprinting and quantification of metabolites in wine grape juice. (The second of the “International NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons” series by Innovative Solutions)
  • Participants: 52
  • Spectrometers: 76
  • Countries: 15

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)