Food Preservation (Patent)
(Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – Direzione generale per la lotta alla contraffazione – Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi – N. 0001423469) Method and device for determining the propensity to the preservation of table grapes Innovative Solutions is the owner of the patent “Method and device for determining the propensity to the preservation of table grapes”. We have […]
NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons
Innovative Solutions organizes NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons (NMR-ILCs) according to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 and reference normative therein. NMR-ILCs provide objective standards for individual laboratories, allow them to compare analytical results from different laboratories and represent a way to check the quality and the accuracy of the analytical job. Validation by ILCs is the starting point for official […]