Dear NMR users,
I warmly invite you to participate to the new International NMR Interlaboratory Comparison organized by Innovative Solutions.
For details, please download IS-NMR-ILC Scheme_vers2 and IS-NMR-ILC 001_2016 – Call for participation. This comparison is organized and funded by Innovative Solutions S.r.l. in the framework of the project “Recupero del Germoplasma Viticolo Pugliese” (Re.Ge.Vi.P.), “Progetti Integrati per la Biodiversità” – P.S.R. FEASR 2014-2020, Misura 10.2.1 “Progetti per la conservazione e valorizzazione delle risorse genetiche in agricoltura” – Trascinamento della Mis. 214 Az. 4 sub az. a) del PSR 2007-2013.
Since 2012, with the aim to encourage the use of qNMR in official methods, Innovative Solutions embarked on the organization of NMR inter-laboratory comparisons (NMR-ILCs) according to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 and reference normative therein. NMR-ILCs provide objective standards for individual laboratories, allow them to compare analytical results from different laboratories and represent a way to check the quality and the accuracy of the analytical job. I wish to recall the successful editions of the International NMR Interlaboratory Comparisons IS-NMR-ILC 001_2014 and of the first Italian NMR Interlaboratory Comparison organized on behalf of SAMER (laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari) and RETELAB (Network of the laboratories of the Italian Chambers of Commerce).
Results of these two ILC editions gave the following publications:
“Validation of NMR fingerprinting methods: effects of processing on measure reproducibility and laboratory performance assessment”. Vito Gallo, Nicola Intini, Piero Mastrorilli, Mario Latronico, Pasquale Scapicchio, Alessandra Milella, Antonino Rizzuti, Stefano Todisco, Antonello Pascazio, Maurizio Triggiani, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Carlos Cobas, Silvia Mari. NMR Inter-Laboratory Comparisons” series, Volume 2 (Sept 2016). ISBN: 9788899259709, Ed. NeP Edizioni, Rome.
“Validation of a 1D 1H-NOESY experiment for fingerprinting of wheat and flour”. Vito Gallo, Nicola Intini, Piero Mastrorilli, Mario Latronico, Pasquale Scapicchio, Mauro Andrea Cremonini, Francesca Benevelli, Alessandra Milella, Antonino Rizzuti, Isabella Cafagna. NMR Inter-Laboratory Comparisons” series, Volume 1, (Sept 2015). ISBN: 97888999259112, Ed. NeP Edizioni, Rome
“Performance assessment in fingerprinting and multi component quantitative NMR analyses”. Vito Gallo, Nicola Intini, Piero Mastrorilli, Mario Latronico, Pasquale Scapicchio, Maurizio Triggiani, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Paolo Fanizzi, Domenico Acquotti, Cristina Airoldi, Fabio Arnesano, Michael Assfalg, Francesca Benevelli, Davide Bertelli, Laura R. Cagliani, Luca Casadei, Flaminia Cesare Marincola, Giuseppe Colafemmina, Roberto Consonni, Cesare Cosentino, Silvia Davalli, Sandra A. De Pascali, Virginia D’Aiuto, Andrea Faccini, Roberto Gobetto, Raffaele Lamanna, Francesca Liguori, Francesco Longobardi, Domenico Mallamace, Pierluigi Mazzei, Ileana Menegazzo, Salvatore Milone, Adele Mucci, Claudia Napoli, Thelma A. Pertinhez, Antonino Rizzuti, Luca Rocchigiani, Elisabetta Schievano, Fabio Sciubba, Anatoly P. Sobolev, Leonardo Tenori, Mariacristina Valerio Analytical Chemistry, 87 (2015), 6709–6717
“Risonanza magnetica e controllo qualità – Presentazione dei risultati del primo confronto interlaboratorio nazionale”. V. Gallo, P. Scapicchio, M. Vezzoso, P. Fanizzi (2013) Pubblicazione con ISBN_Italian language
Moreover, a new paper to submit to peer reviewed journals is in preparation. It will report on findings of the IS-NMR-ILC 001_2014. The authorship will include all the participants.
The President
Vito Gallo