analytical traceability

Invitation to participate to the International NMR Interlaboratory Comparison organized by Innovative Solutions – Spin Off Company of the Technical University of Bari

Bari, 2014.09.05 Dear NMR users, after the successful edition of the first Italian NMR Inter-Laboratory Comparison organized on behalf of SAMER (laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari) and RETELAB (Network of the laboratories of the Italian Chambers of Commerce), Innovative Solutions organizes the first of a series of International NMR Inter-Laboratory Comparisons. As […]
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Innovative Solutions at BIT’s 3rd Annual conference and EXPO of AnalytiX-2014

Our members Vito Gallo and Piero Mastrorilli attended BIT’s 3rd Annual conference and EXPO of AnalytiX-2014 held in Dalian (China) at  International Convention Center during April 25-28, 2014. The conference provided a highly interactive platform for leading experts and researchers to discuss recent Analytical scientific and technical advances. Vito Gallo presented the results of the current researches […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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